Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Getting into the Spirit of Things

As a first blog post, a test, and a general 'trying to get into the christmas spirit of things' this is what I used 10 precious minutes of my work day for

Chelsea Harbour

Christmas Feet

I'm hoping to post at least one photo on here a day. Some will be rubbish, like today, some may be a little better. I'm aiming for 365. Given my track record, I'll probably make it to 12, but you never know.
And yes, alot of them will feature my feet. Even though I'm just a step away from the image i'm capturing, sometimes I like to get a little closer


  1. First!
    haha. good to see your feet on the interwebs.

  2. I think you may now be seeing alot of them on here, although i'll try to put up pictures of other things too, exciting as my feet are!

  3. Both feet and other things are much enjoyed. :)
